GAME 9AM is move-oriented social game for 3-5 players. It is derived by extending of popular social game 'mills'
Each player gets 9 tokens of corresponding color
Game can be divided into two phases: phase 1 - putting tokens and phase 2 - moving tokens
In this phase players put tokens on the table. Token can be put on any free field
If you make a mill by putting token, a player removes one of the tokens of any other player - see 'MILL MAKING AND REMOVING OF TOKENS
In this phase players move their tokens from current to neighbour free field. It is allowed to move any of the tokens
If the player is left with 3 tokens, he can move any of the left tokens to any free field - 'jumping'
If no token can be moved, no moved is made, a player is stepped over and next player is to move
If a mill is made by moving a token, a player will remove one token of any other player - see paragraph below
A mill is made by putting or moving token and making a line of three tokens of the same color. (in 5 players game, a mill is for example 1-4-7)
Player who made a mill will obtained number of cards equivalent to number of 'neighbouring' mills
(for ex. if a player in 5 players game has tokens on fields 1,4,7,10,11,52 and 57 he will get 3 cards - because of mills 1-4-7, 7-10-57 and 52-11-57)
Also, if by removing of tokens a player is left with less then 3 tokens, a player who removed his last token is rewarded with 2 additional cards
Player that is left with 2 tokens is expelled from game (and these 2 tokens are removed, too)
After making a mill, a player has the right to remove one of the opponents' tokens
Token that is about to be removed must not be in 'mill'. If all tokens are 'in mill' no token will be removed and next player is to move
Every player starts game with 10/15/20 points depending of game type (for 3/4/5 players respectively) - 'basic points'
Besides basic points, points are calculated as difference from average number of cards obtained
(for ex. for 5 players game and for 30 total cards obtained and 14 cards obtained for this player. Then, points number is B = 10 x (14 - 30:5) = 80 points)

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